
GaiaViz is quick to try out, just download the zip file, extract it on a windows machine and run the gaiaviz.exe app from its folder. If you wish to try the remote capacities, allow network communication when prompted. The app is ready with 3 presets, accessible via key 1, 2, and 3.

  1. Download GaiaViz.zip from our site
  2. Extract the content and run the app from its folder.
  3. If you which to connect a [Edge AI] or [GaiaRemote], allow the network communication dialog.
  4. Explore the demos by pressing ā€˜Lā€™ and choosing

Navigate with a mouse, even better, a spacemouse. Use the tools with the keyboard.

Mouse usage:

Navigate with the mouse:

  • Fly mode: move and look around by drag the background
  • Orbit mode: Click an object to focus on it, then drag the background to move around an object. Use the tools:
  • Scroll with your mouse wheel to select tools
  • Click left or right to apply the tools on the objects

Keyboard usage :

  • wasd+qe to move
  • All the tools are used by keyboard, use ā€œ?ā€ (Shift + /)refer the Tools Page for details


  • C : camera mode
  • Tab : glyph mode
  • G : grid mode
  • T : tag mode
  • Alt+Enter : console mode (Esc to exit)