Every objects, glyph and grids, as well as each camera background, can have a texture (image or video), a color, and transparency modified.

Texture, Color & Transparency

  • Texture Settings
Hotkeys Function
V Video or image Texture map (Shift+V for previous).
Alt+V increase wireframe thickness (Shift+Alt+V to decrease).
(*Wireframe thickness does not work in VMware.)

Images are loaded from ‘User/Global/images’ folder.

  • texture_id corresponds to the (alpha-numeric) order of loading.

  • Object Color Settings

Hotkeys Function
= (equal) - - next (palette) index color.
Alt+= next color palette
= (equal) next (palette) index color.
Alt+’=’ next color palette.
- (minus) previous index color.
Alt+’-‘ previous color palette.
  • Transparency Settings
Hotkeys Functions
9 Less opaque (more transparent).
0 More opaque.
  • Alternate Color (grid lines)
Hotkeys Functions
Alt+9 decrease opacity of the grid lines.
Alt+0 increase opacity of grid lines.
Shift+Alt+9 prev color ID of grid lines.
Shift+Alt+0 next color ID of grid lines.
  • Global Color Settings
Hotkeys Functions
B Background color, toggle between black and white
8 Transparency mode (subtractive, additive, dark, none)