Tag Console

Each object in the scene can be tagged. Those tag can be just text, a URL or a local fil

Glyph tag: edit and style

Hotkey Function
T Toggles the Tag Tool ON/OFF
Enter switches between Tag Edit and Tag Style
Tag Edit mode modifies the text Press Enter or Esc to return to Tag Style mode.
Tag Style Can select tags as usual with keyboard keys and/or mouse.
H toggles hide/unhide.
Alt+H hide all text tags.
F changes the font type (Shift+F for previous).
Z scales the tag size up (Shift+Z scales down).
B changes the tag box style (outline or node color text).

Camera tag view mode

In camera mode (C key), you can edit each camera’s tag view behavior. This setting doesn’t affect individual tag, but rather the individual camera.

Hotkey Functions
Z scales display size of all tags.
Alt+Z changes all (visible) tags view mode, as follows:
- Hide All mode ‘0’ (does not change individual tag hide states).
- Fixed Size mode ‘1’ (akin to original behavior).
- Glyph Scale mode ‘2’ scale is directly proportional to the node view size.
- Distance Scale mode ‘3’ scales, but closer is proportionally smaller.