The 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse (family) are 6DOF devices that operate the camera and modify glyphs (currently selected by the keyboard, system mouse/trackpad/touchscreen or zSpace Stylus).
When your SpaceMouse is plugged in, your will notice an additional line in the side bar: the “[3Dmouse: (tool) ]” GUI indicator is visible (ONLY) when a 3Dconnexion driver is installed.
Choose the SpaceMouse mode between Camera (blue) and Glyph (red) by clicking on the
- L button of the SpaceMouse
On the gui indicator with your mouse
- R button - changes tool type:
- Camera mode (blue) has two navigation methods:
- [Orbit] - around (Twist/Tilt) and zoom in/out (Forward/Back) of currently selected object.
- [Fly] - around the scene (6DOF).
- Glyph mode (red) has several tools:
- [Combo] - orientation (Twist/Tilt/Roll) and translate (Push XYZ).
- [Move] - translate (Push XYZ).
- [Rotate] - orientation (Twist/Tilt/Roll).
- [Size] - Uniform scale (Up/Down), non-uniform (Left/Right) & (Forward/Back).
- [Color] - Alpha (Up/Down) or RGB color (Twist/Tilt/Roll).
- Camera mode (blue) has two navigation methods:
can also L/R-click on GUI indicator to change modes with (2D) mouse or zSpace Stylus.
You may need to disable the 3D connexion GUI overlay to prevent popping up on top of the app.