
Behavior is based on the active [mouse: (mode) ] and [tool: (type) ].

  • Mouse Wheel - changes tool type.
  • L-Click on [mouse: (mode) ] indicator will switch between Camera, Grid & Glyph mode.
  • L-Click on any of menubar tool to set the [tool: (type) ].

Mouse Navigation

  • L - Hold on scene background to XY ORBIT around current object.
  • L+R - Hold on background to XZ ORBIT circle and ZOOM in/out.
  • Mouse scroll - Camera zooms in/ out with 2D mouse scroll wheel (when in Camera Orbit active).
  • R - Hold on background to FLY camera around scene.
  • Hints:
    • Directly switch between camera orbit XY and XZ modes by using L-Hold while pressing (or releasing) R-Hold.
    • After using FLY mode (R-Hold) you will then be able to use LOOK mode using L-Hold.

Mouse Selection

It is possible to L/R-Click to select using several of the tools (Combo, Move, Scale, etc.) However other tools use the clicks to change the glyph attributes (topo, color, etc.)

  • With [tool: Select] you can create a selection set:
    • L-Click on an object will select it (can select multiple).
    • R-Click on object de-selects it.
    • L-Hold to drag a selection box (add to selection).
    • R-Hold to drag a de-selection box (removes objects).

Mouse Tools

Create - L-Click on background creates a new hyperglyph (pin with torus). - L-Click on a glyph creates a new (attached) child glyph. (Note: if you wish to create a child node off of a root node, you will need to hold Shift L-Click.) - R-Click deletes glyph. Link - L-Click on the ‘A’ link end and then select the ‘B’ link end. - R-Click cancels and resets for picking the ‘A’ link end. - Note: You can only connect root nodes to other root nodes. Combo - L-Hold drags selected objects in XY (L-R & Forward-Back). - R-Hold scale objects up/down, and increases/decreases ratio.

Move - L-Hold moves objects in XY (L-R & Forward-Back). - R-Hold moves objects in XZ (L-R & Up-Down).

Rotate - L-Hold rotates objects on X & Y axes (Heading, Tilt). - R-Hold rotates objects on Z axes (Roll)

  • [Size]
    • L-Click to increase/decrease scale.
    • R-Click to increase/decrease ratio.
  • [Topo], [Geometry], [Color], [Texture]
    • L-Click for next (topo type, index color, texture map, etc…).
    • R-Click for previous type.
  • [Hide]
    • R-Click to Hide all sub-branches of selected node.
    • L-Click to un-Hide sub-branches.
    • See Keyboard Game Mode commands below for hiding per branch level, etc.
  • [Tag]
    • L-Click to select a glyph, and then use keyboard to modify or enter a new tag.
      • Repeating L-Click on the same glyph will change it’s draw style (color, outline).
    • R-Click will hide the tag (but the text will be retained).
    • Enter will alternate between Tag Edit mode and Tag Style mode (tag game mode).
      • See Text Tag Console section for details on tag formatting (including URL’s).
  • Hidden Tools - accessible via scrollwheel
    • [Alpha] - Changes glyph opacity (transparency).
    • [Channel] - Animation channel (subscribes selected nodes to tracks).
    • [Freeze] - Freezes animation and editing.
    • [Set High] - Restricts the max position of a glyph to current location.
    • [Set Low] - Restricts the minimum position (is specific to active axes X key).

Hint: The console will display tips on tool usage when you switch to a new tool.

Note about trackballs, Trackpads & Touchscreens:

Although GaiaViz was developed for a typical 3D workstation set up, all mouse behavior transfer fairly well to trackpads and touchscreens. Users report successfully using GaiaViz with devices such as Windows surface laptops, tactile external monitor, laptop trackpads, etc.

We still recommend using at least a mouse for ergonomic considerations.