Select, Hide & Freeze

Hotkey Fonction
Spacebar toggles the wireframe that indicates a node is selected ON/OFF.
Alt+Spacebar toggles current node selection ON/OFF.
H Hides the object, but it will continue to (invisibly) animate.
- Shift+H to unhide all nodes.
- Alt+H to hide nodes by increasing branch level.
- Shift+Alt+H to hide nodes by decreasing branch level.
F Freeze will stop the object’s movement and lock editing it.
` (left single quote) Select ALL/NONE
Ctrl+A Also toggles select ALL ON/OFF.
Alt+~ Inverses selection set.
Alt + ` (left single quote) Invert selection
’ (right single quote) Select all nodes a level up
Shift + ‘ (right single quote) Select all nodes a level down