Move, Rotate or Scale Objects

  • R - Rate mode can be either keydown or increment.

    • rate mode: keydown - (default) will apply the rate while holding down the key.
    • rate mode: increment - will increment the rate with each press (including key repeat).
      • Hint: you can reset the rate to zero by switching to keydown mode and tapping the same key.
  • Move (WASD + QE)

    • D - increase X position (translate)
      • A - decrease X
      • W - increase Y
      • S - decrease Y
      • E - increase Z
      • Q - decrease Z
  • Rotate (same as Move with Alt key)

    • Alt+D - Right (rotate about Y axis)
      • Alt+A - Left
      • Alt+W - Up (X axis)
      • Alt+S - Down
      • Alt+E - CW (Z axis)
      • Alt+Q - CCW
  • Z - Scale objects up (Shift+Z for down).

    • Alt+Z - Spreads (translates) sub-grid child nodes (must be in Grid mode).
    • Applies ONLY to active axes (X key).
  • I - Increases inner radius of torus geo, rod topo or link node, (Shift+I decreases).

Translate Position Limits

  • Set Points restrict the translate_x/y/z range of an object.
    • [ (L bracket) - Low set point, object default is z = 0.0 for ground level.
    • ] (R bracket) - High set point, set points are specific to active (X* key) axes.