Load Dataset or Asset

  • 1, 2 or 3 - key loads a preset dataset specified in:
    • /User/_Global_/csv/np_preset.csv
  • L - key for Open File Dialog to load a specific dataset or asset:
    • Alt+L - load dataset (as children) onto the currently active glyph.
    • To load entire dataset, choose the [dataset]_npe.bat file.
    • Single assets can be loaded by selecting the specific file:
      • Native CSV tables, eg. [dataset]_np_node.csv
      • 3D Models will also attempt to load their specified texture.
      • Texture formats (PNG, TIFF…) support transparency.
  • Assets (images, 3D models, …) are loaded at startup from:
    • /User/_Global_/[subfolders]

Save Methods

  • Shift+[#] (1, 2 or 3) - save current dataset scene and set it as a preset (#).
    • Legacy presets are moved and transformed to the current dataset schema.
  • K - for Save As File Dialog (prompts with default dataset name).
    • eg. `/User/Prototypes/2024-01-31/proto-20240131T090341/’
      • Can change the folder location and dataset name as preferred.
    • Screenshot of current camera view is put in the base folder (with [dataset].bat).
    • Subfolders are created for each asset type:
      • eg. /User/proto/2024-01-31/[dataset]/csv/[dataset]_node.csv
      • *Note, shared assets in /User/_Global_/[subfolders] are not copied.
  • Ctrl+K - saves a copy with ver number (or as proto if no active dataset).
  • Alt+K or Alt+Shift+(1, 2 or 3) - Save only the currently selected glyphs.
    • Note that branches will be saved as root objects with their local coordinates.
  • [Save Selected] - Toolbar button will save selected items to a node table.
    • L-click to save ONLY selected nodes (with relative local coordinates).
    • R-click to save selected nodes with all sub-branches.
  • F4 - Save Screenshot to the currently active (last used) dataset base folder.
    • Shift+F4 - Screenshot saved with alpha transparency using RGBA TIFF.

Launching Built-In Visualizations

  • 4 - Reserved for custom viz (eg. Edge-AI demo).
  • 5 - FileViz directory tree, choose root folder (Alt+5 uses ‘usr/fileviz’).
  • 6 - GitViz issues from a github repo (specified in npglobals.csv).
  • 7 - Color palettes with a node for each index color.
  • Alt+7 - Test Scene (generates 250K+ varied nodes).

Quit Program

  • Alt+F4 - Quit without saving.